Feb 25, 2009

9 books that every leader should read

List of 9 books that a good leader should read, as recommended by Royal Professor Ungku Aziz. An insight into books that influence Ungku Aziz's thinking.

1. Fit for Life, Not Fat for Life - Harvey Diamond
A leader should have a healthy diet.
A book on how to balance between proteins and starches, meat and non-meat, life food and cooked food.

2. Thinking Course - Edward de Bono
A leader should be able to spot opportunities.
A book on lateral thinking, and how to think differently

3. The Mind Map - Tony Buzan
4. Head First - Tony Buzan
Successful people need to have a strong mind to remain resilient.
A book on holistic thinking. Start with a central idea, and branch out to detailed points involving the central ideas, using colours, shapes and lines.

5. The 36 strategies of the Chinese : Adopting an ancient Chinese wisdom to the business world - Wee Chow Hou & Lan Luh Luh
A book on strategies to create something out of nothing

6. The Art of war - Sun Tzu
A renown Chinese scholar. This one book and its strategies have spurned off many other book titles written by other authors who have interpreted the timeless strategies for modern business audience.
A book on strategies on winning a war without fighting.

7. Level 5 leadership - Jim Collins
A book about humility

8. The prince on the Art of Power - Niccolo Machiavelli
A book on the art of beign feared and loved

9. Leader's window - JDW Beck & NM Yeager
A book on tips of successful leader.

Other books on leadership that are worth mentioning here:
1. The 21 irrefutable Laws of Leadership - John C Maxwell

Now you know what books to buy for your loved ones.

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